Scruffy and Misfit

After the Hall of Fame awards, my scruffy and misfit friends got together and awarded me this plaque announcing that I was elected the be the head scruff and misfit. This proves that they knew me well. I keep it hanging in my office and get a kick out every time I pass it. To think that they all got together and had this award made gives me a good feeling, and I treasure this silly plaque very much.
This lifetime achievement award was awarded to me from EAA several years ago. I am guessing that it was for: starting EAA Chapter 774, having the meetings for 26 years in my hangar here at Sport Fliers airport, being president several times, flying 350 young eagles, holding forms at Oshkosh in the tent at the red barn for many years, being a first flight advisor, and a technical counselor for a long time. This plaque has a place of honor in my office, also.

This is the sign that Oshkosh displayed when the Legal Eagle was 20 years old. Now, Oshkosh says that they are going to celebrate the 25th year of the Legal Eagle this year at the Ultralight Area. They requested that as many as possible show up with their Legal Eagles this year. It is a very special time; if you can make it, that would be wonderful. In the early days of the Legal Eagle, I brought one or more of my Eagles to Oshkosh, and it was a 3000 miles trip for me. It’s not easy, but what is? Leonard